Welcome to UMD Sailing!
We are a club sailing team that seeks to provide sailing opportunities for UMD students of all levels of sailing experience. If you want to sail at UMD, we want you in our club.
About Us
The University of Maryland Club Sailing Team is a student run organization affiliated with the University of Maryland, College Park. We are a nationally recognized program that competes in the Middle Atlantic Intercollegiate Sailing Association (MAISA) southern division. In addition, we compete in separate events such as the Intercollegiate Offshore Regatta. We compete at a variety of levels, giving both new and experienced sailors a chance to race.
Similar to many sailing teams across the nation, we do not have a paid coach. Instead, we are student run, utilizing the vast experience of our members to develop both new sailors and experienced sailors. Although many of our sailors are competitive racers, we also have a very strong learn to sail program! In fact, many of our now competitive racers learned to sail through UMD Club Sailing. We hold practice at least once a week, where our experienced sailors teach new or novice members the basics of sailing and competing.
If you have any questions, want to be added to our email list, or want to learn more about the team, feel free to contact through this website or email us at marylandsailing@gmail.com!
Our Location
For practices, we sail our fleet of FJs out of the Annapolis Sailing School. Annapolis is known to many as the sailing capitol of the world, and it certainly lives up to its reputation in terms of high competition and great sailing conditions. To get to our practices, we offer carpooling options with driving members.